Monday, May 26, 2008

Saya Jadi Referee

Saya dapat emel drpd Farah, member baik saya sejak matrikulasi dulu. Dia emel saya dari UK. Mintak saya jadi referee die utk apply kerja kat sana.

Macam bagus je... nak kerja assistant pun siap kena bagi comment utk apllicant. Saya kesian kat member saya ni. Yelah, terpaksa ikut husband die sambung buat PhD, walaupun dapat elaun drpd kerajaan malaysia tapi die still nak kerja. Die ckp dpt la nak belanja2 sikit. Ok la tu, kerja pun bukan susah. jadi assistant jer.... Die ckp, kita yg nak kerja kat sana jgn memilih sgt. & die pun cuma kerja 'biasa2 ajer....'

Yang penting dpt duit lebih. dalam hidup ni, kan sumer perlu duit.....

Ni lah emel yg telah dicopy paste oleh saya. Emel ni drpd org yg nak interview Farah.

Our Ref: DD/BT
Tel Ext: 24131


14th May 2008

Dear Norjannatul F Abu Zarin

Re: Mrs Farah Fadhline HASBI

The above named has applied for the post of Domestic Assistant and has given your name as a referee.

Please use the enclosed letter to state your opinion of the candidate’s suitability for the post paying particular attention to the main features of the applicant’s character, any particular strengths and weaknesses and qualities such as initiative, motivation and judgement. Your opinion as to the applicant’s general health and other factors which you may feel to be relevant are also welcomed. A copy of the job description is enclosed for your reference.

Interviews will be held on 28th May 2008 and a reply before that date would be most appreciated. Our e-mail address is stated on the top of this letter.

Your reply of course, will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely

Diane Davison
Assistant Hotel Services Manager, RVI
Tel 0191 2824131

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Akum jnet,
farah nie...akhirnya dapat gak aku jmpa blog ko...Anyway thanks for everything...